Northern India’s Gandharan region was a crossroads of power, culture, and art from the second to ninth centuries. Rare sculptural images of the Buddha and his life story reflect cultural exchanges between the Hellenistic world and the native artistic traditions of India.
Join Osmund Bopearachchi—art historian, numismatist, and archaeologist—for an in-depth exploration of how Gandharan artists depicted episodes in the life of the Buddha as seen in the exhibition Beyond Boundaries.
International authority on the art of Gandhara Osmund Bopearachchi presents a lecture about Buddhist imagery in Gandharan art.
This event has been postponed to Thursday, December 2, 4 PM. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Note: this talk has been postponed to Sunday, December 5 at 1 PM. We apologize for any inconvenience.